Sets the tone in the field of Swedish fiction
Albert Bonniers Förlag is one of the oldest and most respected publishing houses in Sweden. We now issue about 100 titles a year, including domestic fiction, poetry, narrative non-fiction and translated fiction.
Albert Bonniers Förlag sets the tone in the field of Swedish fiction. We are publishing classics as well as new voices, established authors and new previously-unpublished ones. Some translated titles are issued in our ‘profile’ series, one of which is the ‘Panache’ imprint. It includes many of the Nobel laureates of recent years. Since 2013 we are the proud publisher of Swedish Granta, a part of the internationally acclaimed literary ‘Granta’.
If you are interested in buying translation rights and film/tv rights please contact Bonnier rights that represents most of our Swedish authors.

Our contemporary authors include Dan Brown, Paul Auster, Joyce Carol Oates, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Thomas Pynchon, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Nora Roberts, Salman Rushdie, Javier Marías, Milan Kundera, Ian Kershaw, Zadie Smith, Junot Diaz and Donna Tartt. Some of our Swedish authors have been internationally successful, among others Tomas Tranströmer, Kerstin Ekman, Håkan Nesser, Arne Dahl, Åsa Larsson, Mari Jungstedt, Linda Olsson and Lars Kepler.